Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Chinese Christmas
We also got to visit with our nephews Austin and Jason and our niece Allyson. They are getting so big and are developing wonderful personalities. We did learn a lesson though - never buy one gift for two boys to share! We rarely get to stay long, but we always feel more connected and less stressed after a visit home to Jasper.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Holiday Parties

We have been and will continue to be busy partying over the Christmas holiday season! On Dec 1, we went to Ken's company holiday party, an extremely lavish affair. We even danced! Our gift this year was a digital picture keychain, which I was particularly wanting and almost bought for myself - glad I didn't! Thanks, ASI. Here's a lovely picture from the festivities. We had a great time and stayed in town at a nice hotel and got massages at the spa to feel like we were really being extravagant.
On Dec 7, we went to my holiday party at the North by Northwest (NXNW) Brewery. It was also a lovely affair, where everyone got a prize! I got a new fleece pullover from Land's End - beautiful Cobalt Blue.
On the 15th, we'll have the 2nd Annual Carnline Descendent's Chinese Christmas party at our cousin's in Kirbyville (near Jasper, TX). It is always a lot of fun - especially watching all the kids open their gifts. On the 22nd, we'll visit Ken's dad, sister, and brother in Katy, TX for Christmas dinner and Sunday brunch. We plan to spend Christmas eve with neighbors and then Christmas morning and day together opening gifts!!
Hope your holidays are as fun!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Adventures in Backyard Camping
Last weekend we took the dogs camping . . . in the backyard! The last time was took the dogs camping (many of you may remember the infamous camping trip!), we ended up leaving the campsite and driving home at midnight because Thor couldn't get to sleep and had to let us all know that there were bugs and things outside the tent.
We decided to try camping again, only a little closer to home so that our bed wasn't too far away in case Thor couldn't sleep again. It's a good thing too! This camping trip we stayed out till 2am. So, he's getting better! Saige, good as usual, went to sleep with us. But Thor had to walk the perimeter of the tent (at least we bought a bigger one so that he didn't step on our heads this time!). Then he had to go outside, then back inside, then check all the windows, then walk the perimeter, then bark a lot . . .
Anyways, we'll keep trying - maybe someday we can actually go camping somewhere that's further away than an hour! Meanwhile, here are some picture of the happy dogs.
Monday, November 5, 2007
And it just keeps raining . . .
Unfortunately, more bad news.
Krista's cousin's husband died after about a week in the hospital battling injuries from a motorcycle accident. Both my cousin (Christy) and husband (Blaine) were in the accident, but my cousin is doing fine. I visited them and their kids in South Dakota a few years ago after meeting them at a family reunion in Missouri with Grandma Sue. They were always very warm and welcoming, and though they're actually my second cousins, I always felt closer to them.
Blaine and Christy had 5(?) children and recently became grandparents. Our hearts go out to Christy and their family.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tales from a Mile in the Sky
Update on Ken's trip to the International Conference on Software Quality (ICSQ), where he presented his speech, Software Test Automation 101 . . .
Well I thought I’d report in from
The smallest session I attended had 14 people and the largest had 33. Mine had 23 people in it, which made me feel good since I was afraid I’d be talking to an empty room! But the audience actually took notes and asked questions and everything. I had people stopping me in the halls afterwards asking my opinions on tools and processes and stuff. It was pretty cool, like they thought I knew what I was talking about or something!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
That's country living!
So, the other morning, Saige and Thor were making quite a racket in the backyard. I looked out to see what's in the picture. Apparently, this guy had escaped to see whether or not the grass was really greener on the other side.
A little while after I had brought the dogs inside to eat breakfast, I heard another ruckus outside. So I looked out the window and saw a sheriff car following behind the cow to get him back in his own yard! When you see cops herding cattle . . . that's country living!
2007 ICSQ Brochure is out!!
As most of you know, I submitted a paper and was selected as a speaker at the 2007 International Conference on Software Quality in
- Web Site:
- Brochure: (1mb file)
- I’m on page 8, session C3 and the description is on page 11.
- I’m saddened to see that I’ll be competing with a presentation I actually wanted to see called “How did bosses get so stupid!”
- I’m on page 8, session C3 and the description is on page 11.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Krista's Dad
We're going to Tucson tomorrow in order to be with Krista's family and lend our support. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Saige Scare

Sunday, July 8, 2007
Tucson Trip
We had a chance to visit with Krista's brother, Eric and his wife, Jodi and their little boy, Jacob. Jacob's over a year now, and super cute! He's such a happy baby and he loves his mommy! Ken and Eric are great friends and enjoyed a bonding experience when they got Mom's new jeep stuck in Pantano Wash. Nacho had to help dig them out. Luckily, Mom wasn't too upset, though maybe she'll think twice about letting Eric drive in the future!! Everyone had a chance to drive the new Jeep, and we all think Mom did a fantastic job picking it out!! Ken, the computer guru, helped everyone with their laptops. Krista ordered Mom's from Dell Computers and everyone was impressed with its speed and quality. Mom bought the computer game, Lara Croft Tombraider, and she and Nacho are enjoying playing it and killing Lara off by jumping off cliffs and other such things.
Thor celebrated his 2nd birthday by getting to come home from the boarding kennel. He and Saige were sooo happy to be home! We'll have to start over on his manners-training, but its great to have them home. We sure missed them!
Please keep Krista's dad in your thoughts and prayers. We hate to see him in such pain.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Latest and Greatest News
Krista is beginning to enjoy her job as she's learning what's expected. Her company has 4 main proposal rounds per year in which she participates (there are two left for this year). The last round was a nice, slow introduction to the process. Though the writing is different and more difficult than any other writing she's ever done!
We're planning a trip to Tucson July 3-7. Krista's dad continues to battle cancer, but weakens daily. He's almost completely bedridden and in almost constant pain. He doesn't believe he'll last out the year, so we decided now is the time to visit. We got a great deal on plane tickets and Krista's supervisor is willing to work with her even though she doesn't officially have the time - she can make it up later.
In doggy news, Saige is ridiculously jealous of Thor! She's been starting fights and pushing him out of the way of petting. We have been working with him more on manners and we've taken him into Austin for training twice, so it probably looks like he's getting special treatment. We'll have to teach Saige another trick and take her to Home Depot so she doesn't feel left out anymore! She's been digging out of the yard again, but only when we visit our neighbors. She makes the hole under the fence just big enough for her, and not for Thor so he gets stuck inside! Thor's manners have improved drastically! We learned that he is probably Great Dane/Lab mix instead of AmStaff/Lab mix, and we've learned different ways of training him that really seem to be working. We're amazed at how good he is now.
Well, that's all for now, stay tuned for more exciting news.