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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Latest and Greatest News

We've had a lot going on lately. Ken has been chosen to give his Software Automation Testing 101 presentation at the 2007 ICSQ (International Conference on Software Quality) Conference in Lakewood, Colorado on October 16 & 17!! We've sent out several applications and an article that Ken wrote. This conference was the first we applied to and the first to respond! He doesn't get paid for presenting, but he does get free entrance to the conference and the chance to become known as an expert in automated testing (which is a way of testing software). His company will pay for his flight, hotel, and food so Ken will only have to pay for souvenirs! We've been very excited and definately very proud of Ken for taking this big step!

Krista is beginning to enjoy her job as she's learning what's expected. Her company has 4 main proposal rounds per year in which she participates (there are two left for this year). The last round was a nice, slow introduction to the process. Though the writing is different and more difficult than any other writing she's ever done!

We're planning a trip to Tucson July 3-7. Krista's dad continues to battle cancer, but weakens daily. He's almost completely bedridden and in almost constant pain. He doesn't believe he'll last out the year, so we decided now is the time to visit. We got a great deal on plane tickets and Krista's supervisor is willing to work with her even though she doesn't officially have the time - she can make it up later.

In doggy news, Saige is ridiculously jealous of Thor! She's been starting fights and pushing him out of the way of petting. We have been working with him more on manners and we've taken him into Austin for training twice, so it probably looks like he's getting special treatment. We'll have to teach Saige another trick and take her to Home Depot so she doesn't feel left out anymore! She's been digging out of the yard again, but only when we visit our neighbors. She makes the hole under the fence just big enough for her, and not for Thor so he gets stuck inside! Thor's manners have improved drastically! We learned that he is probably Great Dane/Lab mix instead of AmStaff/Lab mix, and we've learned different ways of training him that really seem to be working. We're amazed at how good he is now.

Well, that's all for now, stay tuned for more exciting news.

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