Saige gave us quite a scare last weekend. On Saturday morning, I (Krista) put the dogs out for a little while before breakfast; when I went to bring them in for breakfast, Saige ran up to me with a swollen face and blood on her neck. At first, I thought that Saige and Thor had gotten into a serious tussle, but Saige was also acting funny. She was clingy and kept blinking her eyes at me, which is always a sign that something is wrong. So I went in to wake Ken up, who was still sleeping. We called the vet and took Saige in for an emergency consultation. Apparently, she tussled with a Copperhead snake, which are less dangerous for dogs than Rattlesnakes. The vet gave her a benedryl shot and another shot to help with the swelling. The next three days, we could both tell that Saige wasn't feeling well. Her face was twice the size it normally is, she refused to go outside, she wouldn't play with Thor, and she slept a lot. However, she finally perked up by Wednesday night, bringing me her toys to throw so she could fetch them. When she started picking fights with Thor, we knew she was better!
Now, she's doing fine, and we're hoping that she has learned her lesson and will leave snakes alone in the future!