Travis' Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Thursday, August 23, 2007

That's country living!

So, the other morning, Saige and Thor were making quite a racket in the backyard. I looked out to see what's in the picture. Apparently, this guy had escaped to see whether or not the grass was really greener on the other side.
A little while after I had brought the dogs inside to eat breakfast, I heard another ruckus outside. So I looked out the window and saw a sheriff car following behind the cow to get him back in his own yard! When you see cops herding cattle . . . that's country living!

2007 ICSQ Brochure is out!!

As most of you know, I submitted a paper and was selected as a speaker at the 2007 International Conference on Software Quality in Denver in October. They’ve finally released the brochure and sign-up info on the web and it’s really exciting to see my name up there! (I’m disappointed with the description of my presentation, but otherwise I’m pretty stoked!) The information below will link you to the website and the brochure.

Check them out!! Ken

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Krista's Dad

Unfortunately, Krista's dad passed away around midnight on Monday, August 6. The good news is he is no longer in pain. He'd battled cancer for over 3 years, and fought as hard as he could, but it just wasn't enough.

We're going to Tucson tomorrow in order to be with Krista's family and lend our support. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.