Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sewing Triumph!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Surprise, surprise, surprise
Recently, I had the opportunity to try some homemade ice cream- yep, 32 and I had never had homemade ice cream. Sad. So last night, Ken surprised me with my own ice cream maker - so I could make my own.
Let me tell you the story......
After work and a dinner date at Trudy's, we were on our way to Best Buy to look at some CDs that Ken wanted to buy. On the way, we saw the Crate & Barrel store; many of you know how much I love that store above any other. Ken decided that he wanted to go there instead. I looked at him funny, and even checked to see if he had a temperature. Willingly going to C&B instead of Best Buy? What had gotten into my man? So that was surprise #1.
We wandered around and I was in heaven. I pointed out the ice cream maker that I had seen there and wanted, figuring that I'd give him a little hint about a Christmas gift it wouldn't hurt my feelings to receive.
I was having such a good time checking out all the furniture, that I didn't even notice when Ken disappeared. Well, I did notice, but I thought he'd gone to the bathroom. He found me a little while later and said he'd been looking for me everywhere and then that he had to find the bathroom. Confused, because I thought that's where he had been, I pointed it out to him and wandered off to look at a chair I now just have to have. Guess he just got bored, I thought, trying not to linger too long. So we checked out and Ken bought the little tea accessories I just had to have (surprise #2).
It would have been the perfect night and the perfect date, if we'd ended it there, but it got better.
We started talking about RV's and camping. Ken mentioned camping in the truck so I turned around to assess the space and there, like a shining beacon of love, sat a gigantic C&B bag (how I missed it before, I'll never know). What's that? I asked. I'll give you 3 guesses and if you don't get it right, I'll take it back, he replied. It was my ice cream maker (I got it on the first try!) - surprise #3!!!
Apparently, he had concocted the whole scheme at dinner. He hadn't even planned to go to Best Buy, he just wanted an excuse to be near C&B. Also, he had planned an entirely different scenario to surprise me with my new toy. But as our family motto says, "no good story starts out with 'everything went according to plan.'"
I really do have the perfect man!! (no surprise there!)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I just can't help it
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Woodworking is best left to professionals
Krista and I decided that it would be fun to try and turn an old bookcase into an entertainment center. And honestly, if I had known what we were getting ourselves into, we would not have started the project. (I think that's why they say that ignorance is bliss!)
Despite initial appearances, the bookcase doesn't have any right angles on it. It DOES however have six coats of paint, which it turns out lend it all of its strength! Also, we had to replace the backing since after we carefully removed the back and removed each and every nail individually, the backing snapped in two. A 2x6 to provide center support for the TV, some trim and molding, and 137 coats of paint later... it actually turned out pretty good.
See what you think:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Krista the Anglophile and the Rainy Day
After visiting England and discovering a deep and abiding love for traditional English scones, I found a recipe and have made them sporadically since my return. Granted, I don't "take tea" daily as the English do; however, I probably make tea and scones several times a month.
Today, it rained all afternoon and I thought what a perfect opportunity to stop my busy day and take tea. So, I made scones, I made tea, I took my beautiful tea set from the china cabinet and set it up on the table. I sat down and watched the rain fall, pretending that I was back in England. Except that it was really warm, I almost felt like I was in England again. There is something about the ritual of taking tea that calms the soul and renews the spirit. No wonder life in England centers around it.
The one souvenir I wanted from London was a real English tea set. So after traipsing around London and visiting 8 tea shops (and I just have to interject what an awesome husband I have to traipse around London visiting tea shops with me in search of the perfect one), I finally settled on the tea set we'd seen in the 2nd shop we visited. :-) Isn't it beautiful? Something about having it all set up on the table fills me with a joy and contentment that might be considered strange if you've never experienced it before. If you're ever visiting us and would like to experience the ritual for yourself, I would be more than happy to share it with you.
Here's a picture of me and my wonderful husband, who also shared the experience of taking tea in a real tea house with me more than once!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
One of the things I like about staying in Hilton hotels are the toiletries they give away. I know Hilton is pricier than other hotels, but Ken and I have found that the customer service, amenities and quality are well worth the extra money. The toiletries they use are Crabtree & Evelyn's La Source, which smell good and work great. While in Europe, we scored a ton of shampoo, conditioner, lotion and body wash. So now when we shower, not only do we smell good, but we're also reminded of our happy days exploring Paris and London. What could be better?
Our visit to England was simply not long enough. There are so many more places that we need to see and visit: like Wales, Scotland, Canterbury, Norwich, Oxford, the Tower of London, every possible castle and numerous other places. In future, I am willing to forgo traveling anywhere else to explore England as much as possible! Paris was nice and there are certainly several places in France I'd like to visit, but it doesn't hold the same wonder and excitement for me as England does. I'm excited because I've finally learned how to make real English scones and bake myself a batch every few weeks. Yum!
Recently, I got an unexpected package in the mail. It was a gift from my mom! She had bought me some needlework accessories, including several books on Celtic design needlework and a lovely pewter sewing station (see picture). It holds a pair of embroidery scissors, a thimble with the Celtic "endless knot" design and a place to hold pins and needles. And it's from England!! I'd been mentioning how I love embroidery and how my sewing skills are improving. This unexpected and loving encouragement, from my wonderful mom, gives me renewed energy to build my skills, explore new crafts and someday even try to sell my crafts!
In fact, here are some photos of my latest creations: some embroidered coasters, fabric wallets, and some embroidered onesies. Wish I'd had these skills before all our nieces and nephews had grown out of onesies, but I can still sell them and they make great gifts for our co-workers and friends who are having babies.
Darling Dachshunds
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
One of those months and other stuff
I have found that some people let problems pile up and then ferociously blow up at everyone around and then cool down. Well, I let things pile up and then embarrassingly spill over in tears and then my frustration dissipates. Unfortunately, it also leaves me with a headache and the desire to watch chick-flicks! It is not an aspect of my personality that I am particularly fond of or proud of, but I suppose it is my way of not wanting to hurt other people's feelings. And in that, perhaps, is some sort of a virtue. Enough about work. I do believe that life is cyclical and what causes me stress today will be a source of pride in the future.
In other news, I have learned a new skill - thanks to my lovely cousin Sami for encouraging me!- Embroidery! Some of my recent work is displayed for your appreciation.
Which is your favorite??
Ken and I (well, really just Ken- I provide cold drink refills and encouragement) are turning one of our bookcases into a TV cabinet for the living room. So far, he's done an amazing job! I can't wait to post before and after pictures. We're also discussing putting down laminate flooring to replace all the icky, nasty carpeting. I can not wait!
I'd better go, Thor just brought me my sneaker which means he wants me to hang outside with him. If I don't go soon, he'll heave a big sigh, lay down, and put his head on my sneaker, just looking at me with those big brown puppy dog eyes!
Love, Krista
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Welcome Ansley Nicole
Saturday, May 24, 2008
ASI Sluggers
We played our 3rd game on Wednesday, May 21. We won the first due to a forfeit, we won the second (while Ken and I were out of town!), we won the third with some skill and a little luck! Here's the recap (written by our team captain):
We were the home team so we have last bat. There was no time left and we were tied 7-7. This meant that we had to go into extra innings... The first extra inning no one scored and it was still 7-7. Very stressful!! The second extra inning the other team scored two runs making it 7-9 and we finally got our third out and it was our turn to bat. Since this is the second extra inning it is now one pitch, meaning you only get one pitch - foul or strike and you’re out, ball and you get on base, hit and you chance it… Dennis started off the inning with a hit and got on base. Krista also hit and got on first. Anna was pitched a strike and Jaime hit a foul ball. Two outs and we still hadn’t scored... Ken was up to bat and he was pitched a ball where he advanced to 2nd and got an RBI bringing Dennis home. The score is now 8-9 with runners on 2nd & 3rd … Leslie’s turn…she hits and makes it to first. Still have two outs, score is 8-9 and the bases are loaded!! Next in line to hit is Rocky. He gets a ball and is walked to 2nd base bringing home Krista and Ken for the winning runs!! We win 10-9!!!
We played a great game holding them to 0 for most of the game and had some great plays and hits! Our record is 3-0, still undefeated!! Great job ASI Sluggers!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Las Vegas!
When we returned to Texas, we were informed that niece #3 was born on Wednesday, May 14, 2008!! Little Ansley Nicole was born to my brother Eric and his wife Jodi. Congratulations!!! We'll have pictures up as soon as we get some! (well, Eric sent one to my phone, but I can't seem to transfer it to my computer).
We head to Katy today to attend a birthday party for our niece, Alyssa, who turns 3 on May 24th.
Life is so busy! We're about done with traveling for the year, but you never do know....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Our European Vacation
We walked everywhere and ate the most wonderful food. The amazing thing about Europe is that you can walk almost everywhere, which I found awesome! Everything you need is just blocks away; in fact, they measure how far away something is (from our hotel) by how long it takes to walk there . . . Covent Garden is just 4 min away!
We rented cabbies occasionally - well, basically just to the airport. But they also have the underground subway system, which also rocks. I never really get the hang of it, but luckily, Ken knew what he was doing! Interestingly, London cabbies go through an extensive 3-year training and exam period to become cabbies. It's a real profession, not just someone with a driver's license. They learn where every street in London is! Maybe that's why most of the cabbies are English, but none of the wait-staff are! (Most of the wait-staff are from other European countries-what's up with that?!)
I was also amazed by the difference in the amount of food that Europeans serve. It's half of the serving sizes here - I mean - you can actually see the plate underneath all the food! Also, they use much less sugar in the dishes they prepare. I absolutely loved it! I never once left the table hungry - everything seemed like the right portion sizes. Wish our restaurants would learn about that!
Another thing that I found different was the people. Everyone talks about the French being unfriendly, and it is definitely true. You don't see people smiling at each other or greeting strangers. It made me really appreciate the hospitality and friendliness of Americans. We are definitely a people who like others and want to make others feel comfortable and welcome.
I loved visiting Europe, and I would love to visit a different part of England and/or Europe once a year for the rest of my life, but I'm proud to be an American. We're a lovely nation and a friendly people and though I can enjoy and appreciate aspects of Europe, I'm glad to be home!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Good Friends, Good Food, Good Fun
Our good friends Laura and Daniel visited us last week. We all had a GREAT time! We did "Ken's tour of Austin," which included the capital, Mt. Bonnell, and the 360 bridge. I think they were particularly impressed by the 18lb custom Texas door hinges 'specially made for the capital building (which is taller than the U.S. capital building in DC!).
We also visited Bastrop and Smithville (Home of Hope Floats), just down the road from Bastrop. We ate yummy food, watched good movies, chatted, drank good wine and just enjoyed a wonderfully relaxing weekend. Laura also helped me redecorate and move furniture around (thanks Laura- the table is still tilted!).
In other news, we're starting to prepare for our Europe trip. We'll spend 2 days in Paris, and then 3 days in London. Ken leaves April 17th and will be there for a couple of days with his best bud, Todd. Then, I'll leave April 19 and join them for a day. Todd flies back to the states Monday and Ken and I'll be on our own in the city of love. We can't wait!
Today, we replaced a section of fence in the front of the house. We had a little stray dog find her way into our yard. Not that we don't love dogs, but we'd like to make sure only ours get into the backyard and stay there!
I'd write more, but I'm beat!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Softball Woes and Other News
My grandma Sue has recently gone into the hospital again. I guess her lungs are just finally starting to give out. The last time, they thought she was a goner for sure, but she pulled through! We're praying for a miracle, I know she wants to see and hold my brother Eric's new little girl! My gram is a trooper and once she sets her mind to something, she gets what she wants! I was with her one year when she broke her hip in Branson, Missouri. She swore she was gonna get out of the hospital and fly home within several days of surgery. The doctors didn't think it was possible, but she made it! We never had to rebook our tickets. She's a tough ol' bird!
In other news, I have made a ton of baby blankets lately! I'm obsessed with sewing or something! Actually, I think my skill level has finally increased to where I'm actually enjoying the art of sewing instead of cursing and getting frustrated!! Regardless, I think that it is time for me to start selling some of my wares, so I'm thinking I may list them on It's a website specifically for selling handcrafted items. Already, I'm excited that I might be able to buy some super cute appliqués to put on my blankets to make them even cuter! Be on the lookout soon! And let me know if you're interested in a baby blanket or just a blanket. They're pretty cuddly!
Happy Easter!
Orange and Baytown, Texas
We were able to visit Ken's aunt and uncle and wish his great-grandma (Momma Gibbons) a happy 97th birthday! It was so fun!
We stayed with Ken's dad in Baytown, a town outside of Houston, where Ken also lived for a few years. We went out to lunch at a beautiful restaurant on the Kemah Boardwalk. I wished that we had more time to wander and shop. Unfortunately, we had to drive back to Bastrop that day, so we saved it for another day.
Our blogsite now allows us to post slideshows, so take a look to the right and see some of the lovely pics we took!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Babies can be cool
First, I waited while my friend checked in and paid (it seems surprisingly inexpensive to have a baby . . . ) Then, we got up to the room and cracked jokes with the nurses. My friend seemed a little nervous, but the nurses hooked the baby heart rate monitor up, and we could hear the heartbeat. It seemed fast, but they said that was normal.
Then they took my friend to the operating room. They told me they'd come get me soon and gave me a cool paper-like robe to put over my clothes, and plastic-like things to put over my shoes and hair, and a face mask so I didn't breathe death and destruction on the little one. I waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally, after rereading page 2 of my book, Painless Project Management, 12 times, I was finally called into the operating room. It was big.
My friend was lying on a table with a large cloth draped from the ceiling, bisecting the upper half of her body from her lower half. The anesthesiologist was by her head and giving her some pretty good stuff. I sat down on a stool by her head, praying that the wheels wouldn't slide me into all the wires and machines right behind me (I'm not the most steady when nervous!!). My friend smiled and I held her hand and we talked about movies while the doctors talked about Hawaii and porn stars (I swear I heard them talking about porn stars! - nobody believes me!).
It seemed we waited for an eternity while I struggled to find something banal to talk about that would get my friend's mind off of what was going on on the other side of the curtain.
Finally, they said she was out, and then, we heard her cry. Boy was she angry! I looked at my friend and forgot that I was dressed up like a freak and that no one could see me smile through the mask. We both lost it and started crying.
What a magical moment - the moment that a new life enters the world and a beautiful, healthy little one is added to the family. I saw that the baby was finally real to my friend. Before, you can feel her moving and you can talk to her, but you can't see her, you can't bring her comfort, you can't hear her. I could see how beautiful it was for my friend just to hear her baby cry. Just to know that she was healthy. To know that she could finally see her, hold her, hear her.
A few minutes later, they said I could go over and take pictures. She was lying on the scale, just a tiny little thing. The nurse had to prompt me to take the pictures - the scale was cold. Once they put her back under the warmer, I got to take some more pictures and touch her. She was sticky from the white, waxy substance that covers newborns. The nurses moved her arms and legs, really pissing her off. She was shy in the womb and shy outside it! She was less comfortable being stretched out. But their goal was to make her cry, and they did a really good job.
Finally, they bundled her up and put a little hat on her. Is it wrong that I wanted to take the hat and see if I could sew them? Could be a good side business: sewing hats for newborns (newbie hats)
She loved being bundled; she quieted right down. The nurses finally let me bring her over to her momma, who started crying again, as did I. We sat there together, me holding the baby on her shoulder so she could see and feel her while the doctors sewed her back up. Finally, we all got to go back to the room.

And that is the story of little Elizabeth's beautiful birth. She's now 10 days old and still loves to be bundled. She's a sweet, quiet baby. Just lovely!
I'm probably lucky to have missed all the gore of regular births, but I absolutely loved being part of something so magical and beautiful. I'm forever thankful that my friend let me take part, and that I could be there to help support her and be there for her.
-Krista (baby birthing partner and hand-holder extraordinaire)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Congratulations to Eric & Jodi!
No word yet on a name -- her parents are keeping it a secret till she arrives!
Congratulations Eric & Jodi and Jacob (2nd best big brother (Eric wins the prize for the best big brother!))
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Late Christmas Happenings & New Year Plans
We loved watching them open their Christmas gifts! We love that all our nieces and nephews are starting to remember us and turning into such joyous kids to watch and play with! See a pic of the happy kids above.
This weekend Ken and I went with a neighbor to an estate sale. We'd never been to one before, but we learned to enjoy them! I got a new desk for my office and am in the process of refinishing it. I'll post pics once I'm finished. It's looking great! I also got some new lamps and we found more books! Ken found a couple of really old oil lamps that will look awesome in his office. He also found a beautifully embellished zippo lighter for $.025! Can't beat a deal like that!
We're still trying to determine where we're going to vacation this year -- we have several possibilities, and we also want to make sure we can take several small trips in addition to the one big one. We'll keep ya'll posted once we decide something.
Hope 2008 is starting out to be a good year for everyone. It's good so far for us. We're still praying it won't be a repeat of 2007! Make sure to keep in touch and let us know how you're doing!
Love, Krista