I never realized how cute the clothes were for boys - we have already received some really cute things from friends and family - I can't wait to see them on him! Little overalls, and onesies, and bottoms with itty bitty pockets, just like Ken's!!
We had another ultrasound taken a few weeks ago. He was pretty uncooperative, mostly because he was asleep! So we had to go back a second time, where we got some good photos of him (still sleeping). Too bad we didn't go this week - he's been awake and moving the whole time!
So far, I'm still enjoying being pregnant - my biggest complaint is that my hands and feet stay pretty constantly swollen, which exacerbates my carpel tunnel, so my hands hurt and my feet hurt too. But, all in all, this is a pretty normal, very easy pregnancy so far - I hope it continues and that our boy is born healthy and happy!
I had no idea how fascinating pregnancy would be - it truly reminds me of Psalm 139:13 - For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I'm constantly amazed at how he's growing and developing and how God is forming him and putting him together. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an everyday sort of miracle, and awed that God would trust us with this new little life. I can't wait to meet him and see God's masterpiece!

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