Travis Marlin White was born at 5:10pm on August 17, 2010 via emergency c-section. He was 9lbs, 7oz. It took some time for me to recover, but thankfully, my mom was here for several weeks and took care of me, Travis, and Ken. Once she left, Ken took 2 weeks off to take care of me and Travis. We're doing well now, Travis is 9 weeks old and just had his first round of immunizations. Saige is terrific with Travis, but we had to find Thor a new home. He moved to Lubbock to become a search and rescue dog and we know he's doing well, though I still miss him terribly. It's important to feel that your baby is safe with any pets in the house. Saige is wonderful, and Travis doesn't have any fear of her.
Travis is starting to smile and hold his head up, though it's still a bit wobbly. He's rolled from his stomach to his back several times, but no one else has seen it, so Ken's a little skeptical! :-) He is a very cuddly baby; he enjoys being held and rocked. He does not like to be put down very often. He loves people and is always very good when we're out in public, and he is a great observer. We are very much in love with him.
I go back to work in just 3 weeks, and I know it will be very hard! I've really enjoyed the time I've spent with Travis, and can't wait to share his future milestones! By the way - he was born with ALL that hair!!
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