First, we took some shots in the house, then we decided to head outside. We ended up in downtown Bastrop, by the courthouse, and finally, took a stroll down by the river. Travis was a trooper; it's true, he loves getting his picture taken, but after not having a nap, and being overwhelmed by the newness of the outdoor sites, he still did well. Luckily, Travis is so photogenic! I am excited to see how they turn out. I admire my friend for following her passion. I have been trying to find my passion for years; perhaps my problem is that I have too many passions -- sewing, tech writing, baking, reading, embroidery. How do you make a living doing just one thing?
I had forgotten how quaint and sweet Bastrop is. I forget because I'm always running into Austin, but one thing that I want to do is take Travis outdoors more often. We get a little stir crazy in the house every day. Bastrop is perfect! There are sweet little shops, a nice park next to a river, and people just waiting to coo over my little man. It's hard for me to do things alone, but the truth is, I'm a loner. I LIKE to be alone. At first, that may sound like a contradiction. Though I like to be alone, I don't like to do things alone. I like to have a purpose. Aimlessly wandering is difficult for me. However, aimless wandering can be fun. And, with Travis, I'm no longer alone.
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
~John Muir

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