Today I had lunch with a good friend who is expecting her first child in a few months. Talking to her brought back sweet memories of my own pregnancy, and how eagerly I waited to meet my child. It was like someone gave me a Christmas gift in March...but told me I couldn't open it yet...and then dropped hints each week as to what was inside. But nothing could have prepared me for the awe and love that overwhelmed me (once the pain meds finally kicked in) when at last, I opened my gift, and held my son. Watching him sleep, watching him nurse, feeling his warmth cuddled up next to me, holding his hand all made the long months of waiting and wondering (and, let's face it, the uncomfortable swelling) worth every moment.
Even now, God's gift to us is a mystery. What does his life hold? Who will he be, what will he accomplish, what failures will he experience? I feel like our journey into parenthood is just beginning, and I can't wait to see the man my son will grow into. Sure, I have hopes and dreams for him--I want him to be content, to respect his elders, to help those less fortunate, to be generous and kind-hearted. But mostly, I want him to love God, and to seek his own path in life, just like I wanted a happy, healthy baby at the end of my pregnancy, no matter how he arrived.

I don't want to forget the joy and the anticipation that Ken and I felt, or that first moment of awe when we met our little Travis. Even with the wrinkled, old man skin and the mohawk hair. He was so tiny and delicate. I had always been scared of babies; they were loud, tiny, and so fragile. I was never willing to hold one, what if I dropped it? Looking back, I'm sad that I didn't have more experience with babies, but I also believe God leads us down our own unique path. Luckily, it didn't take me long to learn how to hold him, swaddle him, change his diaper. It's amazing what love gives you the strength to do!
I am so thankful to be given the opportunity to watch and help my fragile little baby grow into manhood. I know that it will be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to the journey. Stay tuned for our adventures...
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