- Listening to the song "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson always makes me think of having fun with my mom, driving, and a joy so profound that it still has the power to put me in a good mood, requiring me to sing along.
- Watching Wimbledon always reminds of my dad, who LOVED tennis, who was always picking perceived specs of dirt off the coffee table, and who I know loved me deeply in his own way, though I struggled to understand that for much of my life. (Interestingly, I haven't watched Wimbledon since he died in 2007).
- Smelling one of the deodorants I rotate through makes me think of strolling along the streets of Paris with Ken, our lovely hotel room in London (with it's stainless steel tea set replacing the traditional American coffee pot), and the company of the man I love, who exceeded all my single expectations of what a husband and partner should be (and continues to do so!).

As I think about what memories I want Travis to grow up with, among them are 1) laughing with Mama and Papa for no good reason, 2) eating watermelon in the heat of summer surrounded by people who love him, 3) praying for the people driving from a funeral home to the grave site, and 4) knowing that he is loved no matter what.
It's your turn--
What evokes special memories for you? What memories do you wish to pass along to your kids?
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