Travis' Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Thursday, August 23, 2007

That's country living!

So, the other morning, Saige and Thor were making quite a racket in the backyard. I looked out to see what's in the picture. Apparently, this guy had escaped to see whether or not the grass was really greener on the other side.
A little while after I had brought the dogs inside to eat breakfast, I heard another ruckus outside. So I looked out the window and saw a sheriff car following behind the cow to get him back in his own yard! When you see cops herding cattle . . . that's country living!

1 comment:

BlogDoggie said...

That's awesome! By the way, I'm BlogDoggie. When I was signing in, I swear that BlogDoggie was going to be my passward and LCB was going to be my display name.. oh well. I just realized you have a blog. I'm a slow learner.

Love, Laura