Travis' Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Travis has been trying to sit up lately, and has been getting annoyed that we keep him on his back, so I got him a Bumbo chair, which is supposed to support him so he sits up better. It came in the mail tonight, and he really did seem to enjoy it. He's also started grabbing and playing with toys, though I'm not convinced he knows what he's doing yet. We think he's starting to teethe: the slobber is uncontrollable, and everything goes right to his mouth!

Here's a video of him sitting in his new chair, playing with his spin and play. Seriously, I am so in love with this boy it's not even funny.

Also, note that I hung a toy on his made sense at the time, I thought it'd be easier to reach if he wanted to grab it. But it just looks funny, and I can't stop laughing every time I see it dangling there.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First Road Trip and Farewell

We took our first road trip with Travis over the weekend. I wish our first trip had been under better circumstances, but Ken's sweet Aunt Joyce passed away, and we went to the visitation and funeral. Travis did very well, and enjoyed meeting his family. It's a good thing he's such a social baby because he has a BIG family and everyone wanted to hold him. He was very good and didn't fuss very much at all unless he was tired or hungry (not too surprising). He got very tired of his car seat though, and a few times started crying as soon as we buckled him in; I'm not sure how he's going to like our hour-long commute twice a day!

He is a very happy baby in the mornings, and shared his first attempt at real laughter with MamMa. I wish I had gotten a picture of the two of them smiling and talking together-it was adorable! As always, going home is bittersweet-I always leave another piece of my heart there and pray harder that God would find us a way to move closer and still make a living.

Travis fussed during the actual funeral service, and we spent much of it in the front hall. Luckily, we could still hear. Ken shared several memories of Aunt Joyce and I was so glad that we were able to hear him. She was always special to Ken, and to me as well. It's sad to lose such an amazing and Godly generation.

Here's a picture of Aunt Joyce and Uncle Charles:

And one of Aunt Joyce and Ken's dad, Ray:

We will miss her dearly!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Care Update

As expected, Travis did great his first day at day care! And because I have such a caring husband, they called me at his request to let me know that Travis was doing well. I, on the other hand, was so busy with projects so that I wouldn't notice how empty my arms felt! It sure doesn't take long to fall in love with those little cuties, especially when they start sleeping longer than 3 hours! ;-) It's hard to believe your heart can hold so much love. I'm so glad that God created us with the capacity to love so strongly - it reminds us that His love for us is even stronger, and that's a thought that fills me with awe and brings tears to my eyes. I understand better now how hard His sacrifice really was when Jesus went to the cross for us.

I miss Travis' little arms around my neck, and even his frustrated cries when he's doing tummy time. I'm saddened that I won't get to take tons of pictures throughout the day as he does cute little things, like smiling and laughing. But I know he's fine, and is getting to see other babies and the world in a different way. He is such a social baby; I think he likes being around others, and he still loves Mama and Papa best!

I'll try to remember to take some photos of him at day care to show his new environment. For now, let me feed your Travis addiction with the photos below.

For Halloween, we took advantage of Travis' crazy hair and dressed him like Young Frankenstein. We took him to Ken's office to Trick-or-Treat and he got a couple of candy bars. We had more fun just walking him around and showing him off - and I knew Ken and I would eat the candy, so I tried not to get much!