Travis' Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to make your own gas pump

As promised, here is how I put together Travis' gas pump. I thought this would be a pretty popular item, but surprisingly, I only found one online reference to a homemade gas pump, so I used it for the basic idea, but embellished my own to create a truly unique homemade gift.

First, I wrapped two boxes in wrapping paper, with the design to the inside. One box was wider than the other. I basically eyeballed how the pump would look, so I don't actually know the dimensions of the boxes I used. Then I hot glued the boxes together.

I used scrapbook paper that I taped onto the boxes with painter's tape. I only had a small rectangle of the green (on the bottom), so I cut down a second design (the cars) to fill the rest of the box.
Scrapbook paper and painter's tape
Using coordinated scrapbook paper to create the various screens, message center, and credit card opening, I cut out different shapes and glued them to cardstock. Then I used electrical tape to tape them onto the top box.
Message Center
I glued another piece of scrapbook paper to the side of the top box (where the nozzle goes).
Spray bottle nozzle and scrapbook paper on side
I cut two holes:
            1) in the bottom of the top box where it meets the bottom box, and
            2) in the rectangle of paper on the side of the top box.

I had a neighbor cut the bottom off the spray bottle. Turns out he just used a bread knife, which left a fairly clean edge.

I then hot glued a piece of rope to the bottom hole, and the other end I hot glued inside the spray bottle. The spray bottle nozzle fits into the hole on the side of the top box.
Final Product!
And now Travis has his very own gas pump!
Sophia filling up the tank while Travis watches
Travis pulling up to the gas pump

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Little T

One week old!
One year ago today, my life was irrevocably changed in ways I never could have imagined: I had a little boy. I never really thought of myself as a mom; I wanted to be cool Aunt Krista, but I'm finding motherhood is so much better and so much more rewarding than just being a cool aunt. It hasn't all been sunshine and roses (please, he's a baby, not a cabbage patch doll), and I've spent a lot of time obsessing over what was "normal" and the "right" way to do things, but I've learned that you just gotta do things the best that you can, and hope that your kids forgive you for any mistakes you make. Because you will make them.

As I reflect on this past year, I'm still amazed at how fast it went, and I find myself agreeing with the advice that I continually got from random strangers: hug and kiss them now because it doesn't last long!

So, happy birthday, little T-Rav. It's been a great year (cuddling, cooing, smiling, laughing, cuddling, talking, walking, cuddling...); I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did (other than the diaper changing, and the crying, and the uncertainty, and the fall from the shopping cart, and the crying).
Remember this hair? (3 weeks)

I hope the next year is twice the fun with half the angst! Let's meet back next year to reflect on year two!

At daycare--Merry Christmas! (4 mos)

A day outside (6 mos)

Swinging and laughing (6 mos)

Camera Lover (9 mos)

I survived the first year! (12 mos)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Little Red Wagon First Birthday Party

After years of totally lame parties, we finally scored a fun, clever first birthday party--it sure helps that Travis is happy and cute!

The Theme

I didn't like the traditional party accessories that I kept running across; I wanted something a little bit different, something simple and classic, so I did a lot of research. It took awhile, but then I found two things that helped solidify the theme.
  1. Trav's birthday gift from Pappaw
  2. Several other mom's blog posts who had done parties with related themes, and encouraged me that it was possible to do it myself.
Our theme centered around the classic little red wagon. I created banners using scrapbook paper of sky, sand, grass, pebbles, denim, and wooden fences to create an outdoorsy feel.  I made cupcake toppers using the same design as the banners, but smaller and glued onto toothpicks.

Then I decided on decorating cupcakes. Taking several cupcake decorating classes was very helpful, but I knew I wanted something simple. Using just a couple of colors and a few different decorating tips, I created green grass and white peaks sprinkled with red sugar and sparkly fairy dust. For Travis' special cupcake, I made a jumbo red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting. I thought it was appropriate since I discovered and fell in love with red velvet cake while I was pregnant with Travis (because he didn't like chocolate!).

He had such a fun time tearing apart the cupcake and making a huge mess.

By now, I'm sure you're wondering about that gift from Pappaw! It was  a little red Radio Flyer sports coupe. Absolutely adorable. Travis LOVES it! The other kids took turns driving him around the house in it.

As I was trying to think of a birthday gift from Ken and I, I thought how fun it would be to have a little gas pump to go along with the car. But I didn't want to spend much money, so Ken suggested I go online to get a little inspiration on how to make one. Surprisingly, I only found one reference to a homemade gas pump, so I used it for the basic idea, but embellished the idea for a truly unique homemade gift. I'll tell you how I did it in a separate blog post, but for now, here's some teaser photos.

Several months ago, I began a project that took such a long time to complete that it became Travis' second birthday gift. Using a robot theme and coordinating scrapbook paper, I made a matching game.
I took 12 pieces of ready-made craft wood, and decoupaged  rectangles of paper on both sides. One side is all the same design, while the other side has 2 each of 6 designs. I then embroidered a robot onto a little pouch that holds all of the wooden rectangles. It is a little old for him yet, but he'll be able to play before we know it.
We had such a fun time celebrating our little man's first birthday with family and close friends. I'd like to thank our amazing friend, Ashley Terry, for capturing the day with such amazing photos. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Birthday Preparations

I have been busy preparing for Travis' first birthday, which has involved many hours "researching" on the web, window-shopping at various craft stores and tapping into my creative brain. Finally, using the gift from his Pappaw  gave me some inspiration.

Here's a sneak peek.

Luckily, I baked and decorated a trial run cake before deciding that cupcakes really would be easier. Interestingly, Ken LOVED the cake--I mean, like LOVED. This from the guy who left weddings and birthday parties early so that he wouldn't have to choke down the cake. I, on the other hand, would hang out for hours at weddings for people I barely knew just to sample the cake. His mom would make him a pie on his birthday every year instead of a cake, and his family has carried on the tradition. So that may give you some idea of my shock when I noticed large chunks were missing that I hadn't eaten. He's been eating on it for days now, and when I suggested he take it to work, he said no. He gave me some excuse about how difficult riding the Rackspace shuttle with cake would be, but I knew better. He didn't want to share it. So, yeah, feeling a little bit smug. My husband likes my cake.

My mom flies in Friday and will help me setup for the party, and we've secured our favorite family photographer to capture the fun moments. I am excited to share this momentous occasion with our family and close friends. Turning from 0 to 1 is a big deal! Not that I think Travis will care one way or the other, but I will, and that makes all the difference.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We've got a walker, and other photos

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but I've been trying to get Travis walking on video for awhile, and I've finally done it! 
Don't blink--you may miss it! He's only taking a step or two now before he falls down, but we're pretty happy. 

Here's one of him dancing.

Since I'm feeling lazy today, here are some new photos of T.
Before dinner with Bob
Happy 4th of July!

It's time for the eating!

Always with a hand on Howard




Eating Cheerios-can you see his bottom teeth?

So cute!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Just thought ya'll might like an update on how things are going. Especially after last week's post! This week is going much better. We had Ken home for 3 days over the holiday, and that was nice. Ken took T shopping on Saturday, and I was able to get a much needed haircut and some quiet time alone, which was heaven! We grilled on Monday, and had a nice lunch--Ken is becoming quite the grilling ninja.

Travis seems to be doing better this week too; I'm sure he gets bored with just me and Saige for company, so I have been making an effort to get out of the house once a day--mostly shopping, but what can you do? It's so hot to be outside for long, and T's still too little for most museums and playgrounds. I got him some new toys, which he seems to love-one is a little music player that sings nursery rhymes that are not as obnoxious as you might think. T hasn't figured out how to make it work yet, but he's happy when he pushes the buttons by accident and he dances when the music starts. It's pretty cute. I totally thought he'd be walking by now, but he's still just cruising. He can stand up without holding on to anything pretty well now, and then we laugh when he falls down. 

I have been working on our Master Bedroom, and painted an accent wall a few weeks ago, and then got my Christmas present from Ken framed out and hung up last week. Here are some photos. I am still working on decluttering the room, and my friend Lisa is coming over this week to help paint the Master Bath, so I'll post more pics once everything is in good shape. Until then, have a great week!
My Christmas gift
New bedding
Side view
Other side view

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hang in there

Sometimes life just gets overwhelming. It happens to us all: no matter how good your life is, it is not always sunshine and rainbows. I've come to believe that once you get through the dark times, you can look back and see the situation in a whole different light, and be thankful for the experience. It sure is hard being in the tunnel though.

We've had a rough week. Travis has been teething, and therefore cranky. I've been exhausted because I never sleep well without Ken, and we're into week 3 of Ken being in SATX (San Antonio, TX). Trav is fun, but being with an active, teething not-quite-toddler 24/7 with no break is not something I recommend. Yesterday, I bent down wrong when I picked Travis up, and now my back is aching something awful. I have a lot of respect for military moms and moms whose husbands travel, especially when they have multiple kids; it's hard enough keeping up with one.

I realize our problems are small in comparison with others struggling with much larger issues, and I haven't lost the sense of gratitude that I am able to stay home full time, and that I have an amazing and supportive husband. But sometimes, life just gets overwhelming, and change requires adjustment. It's times like these that I'm thankful for an awesome God to lean on. No, He doesn't make my back stop hurting miraculously, and no, He doesn't magically make everything better. But I feel his love, and when I am able to sit and be still once T is in bed, I sometimes feel myself wrapped up in the warm, comforting arms of the God who hand-crafted me. He then whispers two of my favorite verses in my ear and encourages me to hang on a little longer. Let me share them with you.

There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor (trouble) a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. ~Hosea 2:15
I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. ~Psalm 27:13

Throughout my life, God has whispered these verses over and over to me, reminding me that He is always with me, even in the dark of the tunnel, and giving me strength to continue on until I begin to see the bright light of the sunshine on the other side. Sometimes life just gets overwhelming, but if you hang on long enough, it soon rights itself, and you are able to more fully appreciate the light and the joy it brings. And maybe, just maybe, things get better than they were before.

Here's to making it through the tunnel, and having faith that the light at the end isn't a train.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What's in a Name?

We sold Chloe awhile back; for those not in the know, that was our little green Toyota Echo. It was a great car, and got awesome gas mileage, but I now feel like a grown-up with an adult car!

I believe that names are important. Sort of like, "you must be special if you're important enough to be named." Naming something is powerful; you're setting the memory of that thing permanently in your mind to forever be remembered and cherished (or ridiculed). No longer was it just a turtle, it was Max, the turtle that ate dog food. It wasn't just a cat that looked like a thousand other cats, it was Mindy, and she was my first cat. Ken has indulged my need to name the cows in the pasture, random animals we come across, and even inanimate objects. We call his GPS Jezebel because it sometimes leads us astray. We call his SUV Ruby because it is red. I once named a bird that had died after flying into our front window (which was closed). Then I buried him, and wrote a memorial poem. I will always remember Fred, and the sacrifice he made for a cause we will never know.

From the beginning, the name Chloe seemed to fit the Echo perfectly. It was independent, breezy, peppy and fun. I enjoyed driving Chloe and we took many great trips together. One of my best buds, Laura, even made me a mix tape for traveling (See photo at right). She and her husband lived in Omaha, NE for a few years, and I drove up to visit them on several occasions. At one point, another friend and I (Jess) took an impromptu road trip (the reason why is a whole other story!) through Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas.We bonded while driving all night, listening to the Counting Crows and talking about life. Another time, the four of us drove to Wahoo, NE because we saw it on the map, and I just had to visit. For years afterward, we said "WaHOO, Nebraska!!" any time there was any celebrating to be done (OK, I still do).

If you're still with me, the point of this entire post is that I am having trouble deciding on a name for the new Camry. I could continue to call it The Camry, but to me, it's not just a name for a car, it's a name that will feature in the new memories I will make as I drive it. Someday, we may pass the car down to Travis, saying "remember when..." and I want the name that goes with it to match both the car, and who I am now (or who I want to be). Classy but laid back. Traditional but fun. Spontaneous but grown up. 

Any suggestions?

Life and Another Video

I was recently asked for an update and more photos, so here you go! :-)

Ken has been working in San Antonio, so it's been me and the boy alone together Monday - Friday. It's hard being sole caregiver with no breaks and no relief except for naps and bedtime. I'm not the most social of people (did you know that about me?), so we mostly stay at the house. Also, Trav's been teething, so he's been cranky and whiny lately. Not a pleasant way to spend the days. However, we're hanging in there. Next week, we'll go visit Ken again. We have friends in SA, and there's a little pool at the hotel, and a Target nearby, so we should be plenty happy.

Ken's job is going well, but he's been very busy, and we weren't planning on him being gone like this. We visited last week, and I got to meet several of Ken's coworkers. Everyone was really friendly and geeky so I totally fit right in. One gal held Travis so Ken and I could eat lunch, and he never cried or anything. In fact, we couldn't find them when I was ready to leave, so we had to go looking for them. She had him with a bunch of girls cooing over him. Yeah, the little flirt is gonna be a ladies' man.

I found this really cool TV series (no longer going), it's called Digging for the Truth, and it was on the History channel hosted by a guy named Josh Bernstein. I have found each episode really fascinating, and whether you're into history or not, I think you'll find it entertaining.

You've politely read everything I've written, but I know you were hoping for some more videos of Travis, and I won't disappoint you. Here you go! Here is a video of T walking around the coffee table saying "Mama." He still doesn't realize I'm Mama, but it's cute anyhow.

I've added some more photos of Trav's room after I added some wall art. What do you think? I decided that I'm not fond of the blue that I chose, but it works and it's not worth repainting. It's a nice blue, it just doesn't have a lot of pizzazz, which I guess is fine for a kid's room. 
Closet wall

Above the closet

Family Photos
With Howard after their nap

Pooh in the rocking chair

Wall art and changing table

Please continue to pray for us during this rough time; Ken will be going to SA every week until probably mid-August, and then we should find out whether he will go back to the Austin office or what our next steps will be.