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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A tea lover's dream

IngenuiTEA teapot from
This is not one of those annoying product placement ads like you see on Bones or Castle, this really is the coolest thing. Ken found it, and got it for me for Christmas. It's a 1-cup tea infuser. You put loose tea leaves inside, pour in hot water, let it steep, put it over a tea cup, and there's an ingenious little system on the bottom that drains the tea, but keeps the tea leaves enclosed. If you're a tea lover like me, this thing is awesome. It's great when you don't want to heat up a whole pot of water for just a cup or two of tea.

Anyways, I've been using it more, and realized that I'm getting low on loose tea, which I was shopping for, but then decided to take a break and share this with y'all.

Hope everyone is having a good week!

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